there is always exhaust (expect when the engine's off or hybird)
unless you are too close to the car in front of you.
Ur exhaust....
don't ever smell your car's exhaust.
No. have exhaust checked/repaired
exhaust is pretty easy to smell. If you smell it, then you likely do, also check the rear end of the car for possible places where the exhaust can get into. a battery powered carbon monoxide detector will also work
Any exhaust smell in a car cab indicates an exhaust leak somewhere along the line. Th reason you don't smell it while driving is because the air flowing air under the car is blowing the exhaust gasses away before it can rise into the cab. After the car sits for a while, the gasses seep out of the leak, and up into the cab.
exhaust leak or fuel leak
Find and fix exhaust leak
Car exhaust can smell like rotten eggs when the fuel has a lot of sulphur in it.
yes nd it will also give of a oily smell with it
Typically gas/exhaust, old car smell, history/character. All you need to know.
Most likely your exhaust is rattling and the smell is because your catalytic converter is bad
Could be several reasons but most importantly, get the car checked out soon. If you are smelling exhaust inside the car you could get sick or worse.