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Because the speed of sound travels at +- 1300 km/h and the car that is approaching isn't that fast. So u first hear the sound before the car reaches u.

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Q: Why do you hear the sound of an approaching car before car reaches us?
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Why do you hear sound of an approaching car before the car reaches us?

This is a rather general question, but the reason for this is because the car is travelling slower then the speed of sound, and so the sound of the engine and the wheels against the surface travels faster then the car itself, hence why you will hear it before the actual entity reaches you.

Why do you hear the sound of the horn of an approaching car before the car reaches us?

Thanks for the question. This phenomenon may have something to do with the fact that you may be in the approaching car's way, and they may want you to get out of the way. If the horn sounds only as the approaching car reaches you, it may be too late for anything to be done - hence most people opt for a sounding of the horn at some distance away. You hear the sound before the car reaches you because sound travels faster than the car is travelling.

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Light travels faster than sound, so when a rocket launches, the light from the event reaches your eyes before the sound reaches your ears. This is why you see the light before you hear the sound during a rocket launch.

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Light travels faster than sound, so when an event occurs, light reaches our eyes before sound reaches our ears. This results in us seeing distant events before we hear them.

Who will hear the sound of an approaching boat first this diver or his friend above the water?

The friend above the water will hear the sound of an approaching boat first because sound travels faster through water than through air.

Why do you feel vibrations before you hear it?

Vibrations travel faster through a denser medium like a solid than sound waves do in air. This means that you may feel the vibrations before the sound actually reaches your ears.

Why can you feel the blast under your feet before you hear it?

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, so light from the blast reaches you before the sound waves. This causes you to feel the blast under your feet before you hear it.

Why do you often see a plane before you hear it?

This is because light travels much faster than sound. When a plane is far away, the light reaches you before the sound waves do, causing the delay in hearing the plane.

How we hear sounds?

By ear because sound keep on vibrating until it reaches our ear

What does sound travel through the quickest?

the denser the medium the faster the sound of speed. it is experimentally proved. for example if a train is appraching and you cant hear the sound you can hear it if you put your head (ear) on the railtrack. but do move quickly if you see the train approaching.....

Why do you hear lighting long after you see the flash?

You hear the sound, called thunder, after the flash because light travels many times faster than sound and therefore reaches you first.

What sound do Susan and Lucy hear?

Susan and Lucy hear footsteps approaching in the snow, followed by jingling harness bells, which indicate that Father Christmas is coming.