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because if your younger it is illegal

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Q: Why do you have to be 16 to drive?
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Can you drive people when you're 16?

You can drive a car if you have your licence at age 16.

When can a 16 year old drive alone?

Yes a 16 year old can drive alone if your un the age of 16 then you have to have an adult with you

How old do you have to be to drive Guatemala?

You have to be 16 to be able to drive

Do you have to be 15 to drive in California?

You have to be at least 16 to drive.

How many miles can you drive in 16 gallons of gas?

how many miles can u drive with 16 gallons

What are some facts about the number 16?

you have to be 16 to drive

What age do you have to be to drive in America?

You have to be 16 to drive a car in america.

When was ...And We Drive created?

...And We Drive was created on 2003-09-16.

When was Drive released?

Drive was released on 09/16/2011.

If you have a permit that is not from where you are and you're 16 can you drive?

If you have a permit that is not from where you are, and you're 16, can you drive? If you dont answer ill tell everyone your a fake!

How old to drive?

you need to be at least 16 years old to drive

How old to test drive?