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do women drive barefoot

my wife and her mom drive bare foot sometimes which

is beautiful. they say it feels good to their feet. mostly they drive

in their high heels which is beautiful to.

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Was it ev er illegal to drive barefooted in Pennsylvania?

It is illegal to drive barefooted in almost all or all States. It's been illegal to do so in PA as far back as I can remember--over 60 years.

Do women like to be barefooted in public?

Some do, some don't, Some will, some won't.

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Yes, women are allowed to drive in Afghanistan. However, most don't as cars are rather expensive and only the wealthy drive in Afghanistan.

When did Margaret the Barefooted die?

Margaret the Barefooted died in 1395.

When was Margaret the Barefooted born?

Margaret the Barefooted was born in 1325.

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The same reason why men don't want women to drive cars... which is they do not like competition.

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The duration of Barefooted Youth is 1.93 hours.