...there is always such things as the lottery or scratch-cards...
Because it would have added a dollar to the purchase price and he could not afford such extravagance.
150 for 1 dollar 75 for the 5 and 10
Twenty dollars
It depends on the voip provider, if payments are enabled for prepaid cards or online payment then it is possible to load via scratch card.
That means that you are just starting to comprehend a problem or just barely starting to solve a problem. It can mean to see or grasp only part of the whole picture. Examples: "All the stars that you see in the sky only starts to scratch the surface when compared to all the stars in the universe." "The drug related arrests and the sex scandals only begin to scratch the surface of what is really wrong with the school." A related idiom is "a drop in the bucket." That means just a part of an issue or only a part of what needs to be done. Example: "The ten dollar donation is just a drop in the bucket when compared to what is needed to rebuild the church."
Not much of a price decrease, a $2000 dollar diamond can still have a scratch or a crack,
I got 500 dolars back on a 2500 dollar bond
$100-$150, depending on exact model and condition. In general, the Llama was not a high dollar firearm.
Can you? Yes. Should you? Probably not - you'll remove toning (which many collectors like) and likely scratch the coin's surface.