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When the car vis moving u are at the same pace with but a sudden brake stops the motion of the car but not yours

An object in motion tends to stay in motion.

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Q: Why do passengers in a car fly forward when the car comes to a sudden stop?
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What will happen if the driver in the jeepney where you ride suddenly slam on the break and came to a suddenly stop?

If the driver suddenly slams on the brakes and comes to a sudden stop, passengers may be jolted forward, potentially causing injuries or falls. It is important to hold on to the handrails or seat in front of you to brace for sudden stops and ensure safety.

Why are passengers thrown forward when a moving vehicle suddenly stop?

Passengers are thrown forward when a moving vehicle suddenly stops due to inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object in motion to stay in motion, so when the vehicle stops suddenly, the passengers continue moving forward until they are stopped by the seat belt or another object.

How does inertia affect each person in a car that comes to abrupt stop?

Inertia causes each person in the car to continue moving forward at the same speed as the car before it abruptly stops. This results in the people inside the car lurching forward, potentially causing injury if they are not wearing seat belts or if there are no airbags. Seat belts and airbags help mitigate the effects of inertia by restraining and cushioning the passengers during sudden stops.

When a vehicle in which you are riding comes to a sudden stop your body tends to continue forwards is an example of what?

This is an example of inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion. When the vehicle stops suddenly, your body continues moving forward due to its inertia until another force, such as the seatbelt or airbag, acts on it to stop its motion.

Which force is responsible when a bicycle comes to a sudden stop?

Unless it stops on account of having run into something - friction.

When you are in a car it comes to a sudden stop what happens to your body?

Your body wants to continue to travel in the direction the vehicle was going.

Why is it to important to wear seatbelt in a car in relation to forces and motion?

Newton 3rd law says for every action of force there is an equal and opposite reaction. When a car stops suddenly the passengers want to move opposite toward the windshield so the seat belts prevent this.

When was Sudden Stop created?

Sudden Stop was created on 1990-06-15.

When a car stop why are you tending to move forward?

When a car stops suddenly, inertia causes the passengers to continue moving forward due to their own momentum. This happens because the car decelerates faster than the passengers inside, causing them to lean or move forward until they are brought to a stop by the seatbelts or objects in the car.

A galloping horse comes to a sudden stop. Its rider is thrown over the head of thehorse and lands on the ground?

that sounds painful

When a car stops suddenly and a passenger falls forward what law of motion is demonstrated?

The passenger falling forward demonstrates Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia. This law states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and an object at rest tends to stay at rest, unless acted upon by an external force. In this case, the sudden stop of the car acts as the external force causing the passenger to fall forward.

What is the sudden stop of heart function?

The sudden stop of heart function is called cardiac arrest.