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I think you mean, "Why do my headlights turn of while I'm driving"

There might be an issue with your fuses or eletrical system.

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Q: Why do my headlamps turn off while you are driving?
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Why do your headlamps turn off while you are driving?

You have faulty wiring or a loose relay. Check for secure earth points around the headlamp shells. Rust here is common and does not conduct electricity. You may have to add extra earth bonding wires.

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If the car turns off while driving, it can be a sign of a bad ground. It can also mean a fuel system problem.

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There are several reasons why a 1995 Dodge Caravan may turn off while driving. One reason could be in the electrical system. Another reason could be in the fuel system.

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Turn your low beam headlamps on and then pull out towards you on the headlamp control to turn the fog lights on / push in to turn fog lights off

Does the over drive button stay off at all times while driving?

No, on most cars the overdrive is always ON unless you turn it off.