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That doesn't make sense. You may have misunderstood. The 16 year old driver would have to be listed on the policy as a driver. Most companies will not even allow a 16 year old to purchase insurance in their name because they are not a legal adult and an insurance application and policy make up a legal contract.

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Q: Why do insurance company want a 16 year old to get insurance when the car is insured already?
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A letter you write to your insurance agent/company when you want them to give you money for something you insured with them, explaing why.

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I don't want to chance your insurance company but if you do, the accident was not your fault so it does not matter. Just ask your agent this question. He is here to help you.

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The best company to get boat insurance through is probably Progressive Insurance or Nationwide Insurance. Although you may want to check your current companies rates if you already have car insurance through them.

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Yes, you want to ask for a certificate of insurance. This should come directly from the insurance company or agent. A bond should be the same way. I would also call and make sure that the cert of ins is good.

Can you phone somebody about a paid up policy?

If you know the identity of the insurance company or the insurance agent that sold it to the insured, you can call. However, if you are not the insured, they will want to know the reason for your call and your authority to call on the insured's behalf. If the insured has died and you have reason to believe that you were the beneficiary of the policy, ask the insurer to send you a life insurance claim form. You will have to supply information about yourself, the name of the insured, and the policy number. Fill out the claim form and return it to the insurer. It may have to investigate to determine whether you are the correct recipient of policy benefits.

Will your mom's insurance go up if you got a ticket in her car but you're not on her insurance?

== == The insurance company will decide if they still want to INSURE Mom, seeing as she lets UN-INSURED drivers use her car. They would be well with-in their legal rights to cancel her insurance outright for that. And after she is canceled by one company, she will have a lot of trouble to get ANY insurance coverage at all.

Can your homeowners insurance company raise your coverage amount to whatever they want without your consent?

Yes. This occurs when a review of your home shows it to be under insured. If your house is insured for 200,000 when it would actually cost 300,000 to replace then it is a problem as most insurance companies guarantee to cover up to the replacement cost.