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Suppose in the New York stock exchange in Wall Street, the full company name flashed across to stock brokers who are frantically trying to sell and buy stock shares. By using abbreviations, it reduces the need for a lengthy name and makes it easier for stock exchange to occur quickly. Much like how one would address someone "Mr. Smith" instead of "Mister Smith."

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Q: Why do companies use abbreviations for their names like GMAC?
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How does GMAC bank compare to other banking companies?

GMAC bank which is now Ally bank is somewhat like other banks companies, Ally's bank (GMAC bank) is quick and easy. Unlike other banks they perform a credit check, no fees for linked accounts, and no account maintenance fees.

What is a gmac auto?

GMAC auto has recently changed their name to Ally and can be visited at Ally is an auto financing and leasing company that provides premier service for companies like Audi and GMC.

Where can one find out more about a GMAC car loan?

One can find out more about a GMAC car loan by visiting their official website. There are also a lot of companies that offer this kind of loan, like carsdirect.

Why did auto manufacturers divest financing companies and others retain financing like GMAC vs Ford Motor Credit?

Ford had the assets to continue it's financial division and GMAC was subsidized with TAXZPAYER money to continue it's financial operations.

Are there any companies that help to get a mortgage with bad credit?

There are several companies that will help one get a mortgage despite a poor credit score. These companies specialise is the so-called sup-prime arena and include broker sites like Zillow as well as lenders such as Countrywide Home Loans and Gmac.

What do you call a group of abbreviations?

It depends on what you mean by a "group of abbreviations". If you mean several abbreviations chained together to form something that looks like a word (like SCUBA and RADAR), it's an Acronym. If you mean something like an alphabetical listing of abbreviations, that's usually called a glossary (although that particular term covers a lot of ground...)

How affordable is gmac insurance?

GMAC Insurance offers affordable homeowners insurance. They have a good rating and look like they have lots of satisfied customers. However, this depends on the homeowners situation - some may experience unaffordable insurance due to their high risk.

Why are there 2 abbreviations for World War 2?

Because its like that

Are there any brand names named after hera?

Yes there are hotels, books, movies, companies stuff like that

What words can you make with state abbreviations?

You can make words such as "me," "it," "ate," "at," and "is" using state abbreviations like ME (Maine), IT (Idaho), AT (American Samoa), and IS (Iowa).

Do you use periods with state names or capital letter abbreviations?

It is most common to use capital letters for state abbreviations and no periods. The reason is because the two-letter capital letters are U.S. Postal Service approved. Also, it is poor form to abbreviate states like Mass. for Massachusetts. It is recommended you use MA with no periods.

How many different car insurance companies are available in Pennsylvania?

There are numerous car insurance companies in Pennsylvania. There are all the big names like State farm and Geico as well as a lot of smaller companies.