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The northern states use salt on the roads during the winter months.

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Q: Why do cars in the northen state rust faster?
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Related questions

Do old cars rust quicker then new cars?

Some cars rust faster than others. It depends on the technology used in the making of the cars. There are old cars who rust very slowly and new cars who rust very quickly.

Can rust form on a vehichle under freshwater?

Yes. It actually rusts faster in water, because water is made one third out of oxygen, which you need to make rust. Saltwater rusts vehicles even faster than freshwater does. Cars near the coast get more rust than cars in inland parts of the country.

Will a thinner object rust faster than a thicker object?

It'll rust away faster, but (assuming they're made from the same alloy) won't start to rust faster.

What liquid causes an iron nail to rust faster water or coke?

coke will make it rust faster

Which water rust a coin faster salt or fresh water?

salt will rust the coin faster thanfresh water

What will make a nail rust faster in 3 liquds watervinegarsprite?

water would make a nail rust faster because nails rust faster in water or any acidic liquads. As I been told

Will a nail rust faster in soil or water?

A nail will rust faster in wet soil than water, but if the soil is not wet , the nail will rust faster in water. I hope this answers your question. Bye, Annette Pfohl

What makes iron rust faster?


Why don't cars rust while they are sitting out in the parking lot?

They do. Cars are coated in a rust protectant paint, which can flake off over time. Once this occurs, the exposed areas are prone to rust.

Will a nickel rust faster in salt water or regular water?

i believe the nickel wil rust more faster in salt water do to the variety of minerals. Also it doesn't rust that fast do to corrision

Does steel rust in saltwater?

Yes, it actually rust's faster than in normal water.

How does iron rust and which types of nails rust faster in oxygen?

a nail that is made from steel