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You probably got the ignition wet. It will have to be thoroughly dried before it will start and run again.

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Q: Why did your car shut off after driving through water?
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What problems can arise driving through water?

A car can hydroplane, essentially glide on water

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car starts but shut off while driving

Can a car shut of if it has no water?


Will your car shut off while driving down the road if the fuel filter is clogged?

If fuel cannot get through the fuel filter, it will stop running.

Why does your car shut off while you are driving it?

Possible a bad or corroded ground cable .

Your engine failed after driving through a flood who is liable?

You are. Don't drive through a flood. A car engine was not intended to be submerged in water, particularly dirty flood water.

Why would driving through a puddle cause Honda civic to stall?

Sometimes a car stalls when driving though water because water got sucked up into the engine. This can cause a lot of damage, so don't attempt to restart the car after it stalls. Have the car towed so the engine can be stripped down and drained of the water.

What causes your car to shut down while driving?

A lot of possible causes, I recommend a careful investigation.

Will a car with a low battery shut off while driving?

yep... especially if the alternator is bad too

1989 Dodge Dakota Why would your car shut off while you were driving and it will not start?

fuel pump

When driving through standing water at high speed water?

can be forced into the engine's intake system, causing hydrolock, which can lead to serious engine damage. It is best to avoid driving through standing water if possible, and if unavoidable, to proceed through slowly and with caution. If your car stalls in standing water, do not attempt to restart it and seek professional assistance.

1995 Chevy Prizm driving on highway started smoking from no water in radiator car shut off put water in radiator but instead of turning on spark plugs popped off what is it?

You blew your engine or head gaskets.