Because he looked white - Apex
The address of the Homer L Wise Memorial Committee Inc is: 21 Fairmont Ave, Stamford, CT 06906-2310
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)Homer Plessy was arrested on June 7, 1892, for sitting in a whites-only railroad car, in violation of restrictions set by Louisiana's Separate Car Act of 1890. The East Louisiana Railroad Company, which also wanted the Separate Car Act repealed, conspired with the (New Orlean's) Citizens' Committee, a civil rights activist group comprised primarily of African-American professionals, and Plessy to arrange Plessy's arrest so he would have standing to challenge the law in court.
no, it was "Separate but equal". so there was still segregation.
Homer Post has never been on an active roster for the Patriots.
He was a war correspondent for Harper's Weekly.
The Simpsons - 1989 Please Homer Don't Hammer 'em 18-3 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:PG USA:TV-PG (1997-Present)
Homer Plessy's and the Citizens' Committee's goal was to convince the US Supreme Court to overturn the Louisiana Separate Car Act (Act 111), requiring racial segregation on intrastate railroads, unconstitutional under the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments.Unfortunately, the majority of the Court supported segregation, provided the facilities were "separate but equal" (which was seldom the case) and rejected the argument that segregation applied the stigma of slavery to African-Americans.Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)For more information, see Related Questions, below.
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)Homer Plessy was arrested on June 7, 1892, for sitting in a whites-only railroad car, in violation of restrictions set by Louisiana's Separate Car Act of 1890. The East Louisiana Railroad Company, which also wanted the Separate Car Act repealed, conspired with the (New Orlean's) Citizens' Committee, a civil rights activist group comprised primarily of African-American professionals, and Plessy to arrange Plessy's arrest so he would have standing to challenge the law in court.
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)Homer Plessy was arrested on June 7, 1892, for sitting in a whites-only railroad car, in violation of restrictions set by Louisiana's Separate Car Act of 1890. The East Louisiana Railroad Company, which also wanted the Separate Car Act repealed, conspired with the (New Orlean's) Citizens' Committee, a civil rights activist group comprised primarily of African-American professionals, and Plessy to arrange Plessy's arrest so he would have standing to challenge the law in court.
Homer Plessy, a member of the New Orleans' Citizens' Committee that organized challenges to segregation laws, deliberately violated Louisiana's Separate Car Act of 1890.The Separate Car Act required railroad companies traveling within the state of Louisiana to provide separate travel accommodations for whites and African-Americans, preventing the races from co-mingling.Home Plessy was an "Octroon," in New Orlean's parlance, someone who had a single African-American grandparent, and looked white. He would not have been challenged as "colored" but for the Citizen's Committee pre-arranging his arrest with the East Louisiana Railroad Co. The railroad companies also wanted to overturn the law because they believed it was bad for business, so the company agreed to help stage a confrontation.When the conductor walked through the "whites-only" car, he stopped to examine Plessy's first-class ticket, and asked whether the man was black or white. Plessy replied that he was black, but refused to remove himself to the African-American car. The Citizens' Committee had hired a private detective to ensure Plessy was detained; the detective took Plessy to the New Orleans' Parish jail.To view a picture of Homer Plessy, see Related Links, below.
Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em