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To make sure there are legal things in his car

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Sabina Lindgren

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Q: Why did policeman stop Lefty Lewis's car?
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Why did the policeman stop lefty Lewis's car?

To make sure there are legal things in his car

Why did the police stop lefty Lewis car?

I'm not sure

What are the police looking for when they stop lefty Lewis and bud on their way to grand rapids?

he is looking if lefty is using illegal things in his car.

Why did bud try to take off in the car in Bud Not Buddy?

Bud took of in lefty's car because he thought he was a vampire.

Why does lefty Lewis have blood in his car from Bud Not Buddy?

It isnt blood it is red pop.

How could you find out the car you have is stolen or not?

Ask the Policeman "is ma car stolen mate"

What does lefty Lewis do to bud in bud not buddy?

By telling him that they will go get some ice cream Lefty Lewis tempts Bud to get in the car with red pop and a bologna sandwich.

Why does a policeman not charge a person if they have alcohol in the car and no insurance and their passenger has died in a car wreck?

Because he is white.

Can a policeman stop you in your car when you pull into your driveway?

Sure they can. There are many cases of drunk drivers that are on automatic pilot, that do not hear the sirens, and drive right home, where they are arrested. I don't think there is any laws that say they can not.

How do you open up a gas can so you can put it in a car to fill it up?

Lefty tighty Righty loosey

How much does running a stop sign cost in Idaho?

Nothing if you don't get stopped by a policeman.$100's into the $100,000's if you get into an accident.Running a stop sign in Idaho would be considered as an: 'Other moving traffic infractions. Fine $90'Note: When you get stopped by a policeman, he will be asking for your drivers license, proof of insurance, etc. He then goes back to the police car and does a quick back ground check to see if you have any other warrants. At the same time everything you do is recorded on a camera.Also, when he stops you he is eyeballing the insides of the car for other probable violations and the outside of the car for safety issues.

How can you find out if a car you want to buy is stolen?

Is there a TITLE to the car? If not, RUN the other way. Ask a policeman to run the VIN.