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because it looks awsome

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Q: Why coon tails on car antenna?
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Related questions

Are coon tails producers that make food?

No, they are a style you can dye your hair in, that looks like raccoon tails, hence the shortened 'coon tails' :p

How do you do coon tails on hair?

You get it dyed

Where can you get raccoon tails?

There are dozen of places on eBay that sell fake and genuine raccoon tails and coon skin hats.

What ducks eat coon tail moss?

excuse me sir but i believe you are mistaken ducks are herbivores and in fact do not eat coon tails it is a common misconception and is often used as a trick question

What are the options for car radio antenna types?

The options for car radio antennas include internal car antennas, external car antennas, power antennas, and satellite antennas. The internal antenna is the least effective and most cars come with either the external fixed antenna or the power antenna unless their is a satellite radio in the car and then it is a satellite antenna.

What is a car antenna booster used for?

A car antenna booster is used to 'boost' the radio waves of the car's antenna. This is usually used to improve radio quality and reduce static that might be heard.

Can you use a home Sirius satellite antenna in your car?

Sure you can. Just wrap it around your car's antenna.

Why do people coon hunt?

I am a girl and YES I coon hunt! I didn't approve of it until my fiance explained it. Where we live if people didn't hunt for coons rabies would boom rapidly. So if you would rather have the rabies just stop people from coon hunting.

When to use antenna and antennae?

Antenna is singular - a car has a radio antenna. Antennae is plural - insects have two antennae.

Where is the Crown vic radio antenna located?

Your Antenna is located on the back window of the car

Where is antenna on 1999 Lincoln Town Car?

The antenna is located inside of the rear window

Where is the relay box for the 2002 maxima power antenna located?

The car did not come with an antenna. It uses an antenna embedded in the rear window