replace your crank sensor....or when it dies dump cold water on it to see if it starts again
Coolant temp sensor
get a 1966 one there better!
More info. What kind of car ?
If it starts again after awhile only to do the same thing, the fuel filter is probably clogged.
sounds like an immobilizer fault or the battery in your key is faulty
Sounds like it has to do with the micro-chip in the key. Starts for about 3 seconds and dies. In 1999 Ford installed a micro-chip in the ignition key for Anti-theft purposes. If the chip isn't there, or is malfunctioning, the vehicle starts briefly and dies.
because the car isn't used to stopping that long your ignition coil is going bad my was doing the same thing losing power at a stop light or stop sign after about 30 minutes changed coil packs now its fine unless your engine is low of water and runing hot the coils should fix it.
The torque converter clutch may be staying engaged, causing it to kill the engine when stopping.
well the sad news is yes he died....=(.in book i think it was chapter 58 well in return light dies too
call the guys on car talk.
fuel injector or crank sensor is at fault here