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The bumpier the road, the more resistance the car has to move forward.

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Q: Why can a car travel faster on a concrete road than on a bumpy road?
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Why can a car travel faster tahn a concrete road rather than a bumpy road?

Less resistance on a smooth concrete road.

Why an automobile can travel faster on a concrete road than on a desert?

Less resistance/friction on concrete.

Why is that an automobile can travel faster on a concrete road than on desert?

Less resistance/friction on concrete.

Why can a car travel faster on a concrete road than a bumpy road?

Because the tires can pick up grip and the suspension is not required as much, it would be the same as a person with running shoes/trainers running on a athletics track, they can make more speed as the surface is flat.

Does driving a car faster on a bumpy road make he drive less bumpy?

idiots we need the answer

What was road travel like in 1750?

the road was so bumpy and rough

Which terrain would a scooter be faster on a sidewalk the road or a bumpy surface?

the sidewalk

Is it a bumpy dusty road or a dusty bumpy road?

Bumpy, dusty road. Definetely

When did Bumpy Road happen?

Bumpy Road happened in 2011.

What makes a car feel as if it is going a bumpy road?

a bumpy road

When was Bumpy Road created?

Bumpy Road was created on 2011-05-19.

How do you use bumpy in sentences?

'The road is bumpy' , so you use it to describe something else.