You are probably borred cos you are tired and you can not be bothered to do anything.
borred people
nothing you cant really do anything instead of going on the computer and play games
no, people are just borred with their lives, so they make up rumors.
I have a 84 350 CSB and a tunnel ram with 2 4 barrels plus a 671 blower. what do I need to do to the block
estoy bien aburrido I am very borred
personally i think it does i have lost over 100 pds in one year and in between that year i started smoking. now every time i feel like im borred or kind of hungry after i have already eaten i smoke a ciggerette and feel full and it keeps me doing something so im not borred..... i know this sounds not official or anything but honestly i never thought i could lose a hundred pds. in one year..... and smoking actually helped me achieve this goal.
you can improve it by getting your rear shock set at your weight which that will improve traction of the bike. i would recommend you should get a full pro circuit t-4 exhaust system that will increase power. you should get pro taper bars they look wicked and are very very strong. i recommend you should get a one industries graphics kit put on you yzf450 it will look very very neat. i also recommend you should get your rims powder coated. (blue,red,ect) i recommend you should get either blue or red tyres on your yzf450. and if you want your bike to go faster get it jetted and borred out to like a yzf470 or yzf500.
if you are evil or good, no matter your path, you must defeat maze, and jack of blades and then the last main quest of the game is to defeat the dragon btw: it is easy if you use the experience trick on the abandoned road to level up before fighting the dragon to do that you have to finish freeing your mother from prison in an earlier quest and then return to that quest area till you reach the abandoned road... i think.. then use any experience potions, (like ages of will potion) and use the mana shield protection spell and kill the undead mini skeletons that keep popping up after each kill and get your experience multiplier up over a hundred (my record is 208, when i got borred) and you will get around 500k exp in under an hour or even more after that.. :D good luck
In my opinion, straight hair looks neater. I would have a mix of straight and curly; half curly and half straight. For example: Little curls on the bottom, and the rest of it straight.What you wanna do is go by what you like i have the same problem hair is short to like a guys lol but im letting it grow and still guys love me!I think long strait is pretty but that's just me!Hope it helpsStraight hair, curly hair, long hair, any hair... You should decide what you like best, not what someone else likes. You can look at tips on different styles to suit you and your style likes such as latest styles or to suit your lifestyle and shape of face. If you have thick curly hair, there are methods to straighten your hair if you prefer a straight look. It may look nice to change your hairstyle at times depending on your mood or activity. Maybe wear it straight when dressed up and curly for casual wear.. I'm sure if you mix it up you'll turn heads by trying differnent styles and you won't tend to feel so borred by just one doo... If you opt to cut your hair, hey, it's hair, it can grow back!better answer >.>you can find out what style suites you by just going to a hair salon, hair looks different on every girl so you should try to be diffetent ans stand out....but not too much >.>I have VERY curly THICK brown hair and now that i have stoped trying to straighten it day after day everyone tells me that it is Lush and that they would die for it! :D The problem with curly hair is that it gets frizzy but i have found that searum is a life saver and putting it up in a hair style that is half up half down (sorry havent the foggest what it is called!) This makes it look less thick and shows off those lovely curls! Just remember that no one can make you feal inferior without your consent.It's preference. Some like it one way; some another! You should wear your hair the way YOU like it!