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They're just like any other type of company? Why are there so many auto-makers? Why are there so many beverage producers? There are just many companies hoping to benefit from their business. Because clearly there is an obvious market for Auto insurance, one where huge profit can be made so naturally companies come in numbers to absorb the markets money.

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Q: Why are there so many auto insurance agencies?
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Related questions

What is the cheapest agency auto insurance company?

There are many auto insurance agencies. Each follows a their own pricing formula, so one would have to get quotes from them and then compare. There are some that tend to be cheaper but individual quotes would still need to be obtained to assure best price.

Where can one find information on can insurance groups?

There are so many different auto insurance groups available and it can be intimidating. Commercials for auto insurance dominate the television airways. Head on over to the Yelp website, you can find insurance agents in your area. Some will be small independent agencies and some will be the bigger ones. The Yelp reviews can help you with your decision.

Why do district managers at US Agencies auto insurance push selling the towbuster package so heavily?

well, $ of course; 'commission.'

Does a auto repair body shop have to carry insurance?

yes it has to carry insurance because they are dealing with so many of other people's cars there for they have to carry auto insurance.

Where can you get an online auto insurance quote?

There are many agencies that give an auto insurance quote. Here are a list State Farm,Geico, Met Insurance, Esurance and progressive. Some of the companies even have a live person that can contact you immediately for assistance.

Are there websites that compare auto insurance rates nationwide?

There are many websites that compare auto insurance. These websites ask for your specific zip code so that they can compare insurance in your area.

Where is the best place to buy auto insurance?

There are many sites online that will allow you to compare auto insurance so you can get just the right insurance for you. You can compare Geico, Allstate, Progressive, State Farm and many more.

Is Progressive Insurance just an online company?

Progressive has over 30,000 agencies nationwide so chances are you can find a local independent agent in your area. They offer a wide range of insurance packages ranging from the auto insurance to pet injury policies.

Are there any car insurance agencies for teens if so what agencies?

There are quite a few car insurance agencies for teens out there. Most teens can be added to their parent's current insurance policy. Some of the agencies available are Nationwide, Liberty, USAA, State Farm and Pemco.

Which websites have auto insurance quotes?

All of the big auto insurance agencies (Geico, State Farm, Progressive) offer quotes online so it's relatively easy to get a few quotes and compare. You should be prepared however to give at least an email address to get a full quote to review.

Where could one find Eco car insurance?

While there is no auto insurance company named "Eco", there are several insurers who offer green policies and both agencies and websites that promote so-called Eco-friendly insurance policies for automobiles. These include Esurance, Car Insurance Comparison, and Insurance Finders.

Where can you buy auto insurance to cover you not your individual cars?

Auto insurance is for cars not for people. You can buy insurance on yourself so contact any insurance agent.