Because they know that once they start running, they'll never have the energy to get in their car to drive to Mcdonalds to buy a big mac with extra large fries and explode with fatness!!!!
He is neither fat or slow.
when they get fat and slow, or when the vet says so
cos dere fat .
because a alligator is so very fat
One reason people are fat is because they eat and eat and eat and don't exercise. Another reason is because some people have fast working calorie burning systems and some people have slow ones causing them to be fat. It might be that those people that are not fat have high metabolism you eat as much as you want and not get fat.
.some black people are fat , but not all . And white people are fat to . So quit trying to be races .
comparitively so, but not as fat as the yanks
because fat people are smart!:) im not fat, so im not that smart...
rice has very little protein in it is a carb mostly. but slow releasing so its a good carb
they don't have slow thinking they just think if you are skinny you are hot and if you are fat they think they look like the most ugliest thing ever
People are ugly because of bad genes and fat because of lack of exersize bad genes and not eating healthy.Antother resoan some people are fat is becasue they have a slow metabolism whitch means it take them longer to convert food into energy.
comparitively so, but not as fat as the yanks