To keep the coolant from boiling, just like the old pressure cookers your grand parents used to use.
Pressurised coolant boils at a higher temperature than unpressurised
to increase the boiling point of the coolant
form_title=Repair Your Heating and Cooling Systems form_header=One way to keep your vehicle running in tip top shape is to have the coolant systems flushed. When was your last coolant flush?=_ When was the last time you added coolant?=_ Do you use a certain brand of coolant?=_
Actually, it always is when operational. The pressure is what moves the refrigerant or coolant (depending on whether you're referring to the air conditioning or the engine cooling system) through the system.The pressure raises the boiling point of the coolant.
Coolant Systems on a Nuclear Reactor works by pumping large amounts of Sea Water into the reactors to cool it down and produce steam.
On the right side of the motor closest to the fender. So about a foot from the windshield there is a plastic pressurised bottle that you would put your anifreeze into. Hope this helps
In systems that do not have a radiator cap, the coolant is drained by the radiator drain plug. It is filled by adding coolant to the system through the overflow bottle.
In a pressurised nuclear reactor the temperature is very high, which cn be accepted as a point for this.
As aeroplanes fly high in the atmosphere, where the air is thin, the inside has to be pressurised to allow the passengers and crew to breath.
They take it with them, in pressurised tanks.
because it has been pressurised in a similar way (outcome) to how a commercial airplane is pressurised for passengers to fly at altitude.