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Clean burning and cost less than gasoline or diesel.

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Q: Why CNG is used in heavy vehicles?
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Find out the use of cng in vehicles?

Only in fleet vehicles doing local duty. CNG filling stations are not plentiful.

What is CNG fuel and can regular unleaded be used instead of CNG fuel?

CNG stands for compressed natural gas, which is a cleaner-burning alternative fuel for vehicles. Regular unleaded gasoline cannot be used as a substitute for CNG fuel, as they are different types of fuel with distinct combustion characteristics. Vehicles that run on CNG must be specifically designed to use this type of fuel.

Does a CNG vehicle need PUC?

No. PUC certificate is not required by CNG operated vehicles

What is the relationship between CNG density and its impact on fuel efficiency in vehicles?

The relationship between CNG density and its impact on fuel efficiency in vehicles is that higher CNG density typically leads to better fuel efficiency. This is because denser CNG contains more energy per volume, allowing vehicles to travel further on less fuel.

Why do CNG vehicles recquire lower maintanence?

CNG vehicles does not require much work because it was built to be a strong vehicle. This vehicle went through a lot of study.

Is cng available in Bangalore?

Predominantly for Autos. never seen it for any other vehicles. Cars have LPG but not CNG

Where is the only city in world where vehicles are playing on CNG?


Why is cng preferable for vehicles than petrol and diesel?

Burns cleaner.

What Precaution should be taken while using CNG in vehicles?

i need answer

Why use CNG as a fuel rather than diesel and petrol what is CNG?

CNG or Compressed Natural Gas is considered ecologically cleaner and safer than diesel or petrol. Consisting mainly of methane, CNG is much more beneficial to valves and injectors of combustion engines . It is much used as a fuel in mining vehicles in places like gypsum mines.

What is the solution of air pollution?

using CNG in vehicles, using catalytic convertors

How has the use of cng in vehicles reduced pollution in big cities?

by less poluting