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Q: Whose face did Sal see pressed up againt an upstairs window next door?
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How do I reset window location?

This will not reset your window location, but you will be able to get your window back on the screen so you can move it around. 1) Open the program whose window you need to reset. 2) Select the program from the task bar. 3) Press Alt+Space+M to move the window you have selected with the arrow keys. 4) Move the window left, right, up, or down with the arrow keys until it is visible.

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"The Boarded Window" by Ambrose Bierce is told from a third-person limited point of view. The narrator provides insights into the thoughts and feelings of just one character, the man pursuing the widow.

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Get a good sound recording system and play those sounds back to him at a time when he's least likely to appreciate them. show the recording to his wife if he is having sex with somebodyelse

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To refresh the attention of the average person, whose attention span is short, and has a host of other issues pressed on them that take their eyes "off the ball". Otherwise, any excuse to party is a good excuse.

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The verbal irony can be seen in the character of Vera, whose name actually means "truth" in Latin. She is the exact opposite; a deceitful being.

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There are 3 whose sum is 45 whose sum is 57 whose sum is 69 whose sum is 711 whose sum is 813 whose sum is 915 whose sum is 1017 whose sum is 1119 whose sum is 1219 whose sum is 1317 whose sum is 1415 whose sum is 1513 whose sum is 1611 whose sum is 179 whose sum is 187 whose sum is 195 whose sum is 203 whose sum is 211 whose sum is 22.

What sort of trades person would you contact to repair a broken window?

A glazier. A glazier is a person whose profession is fitting glass into windows and doors. They also repair broken glass windows and the glass particles in doors.

What is the johari window in organizational rehaviour?

Everything known/ not known about ourselves can be listed under4 headings. What we and others know. What others know and we do not. What we know and others do not. What we and others do not know. It is a window with 4 panes of glass devised by 2 psychologists whose first names were Joe (Luft) and Harry(Ingham). Its purpose is to help staff understand their impact on others.

I have a 1998 Toyota 4 runner whose dash board lights and parking lights come on when car is off and brake is pressed could this have anything to do with the car's alarm system?

Sounds like a good place to start looking. Car alarm systems are known for causing electrical issues.

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I also need help. It's stuck and when I refresh the page,nothing happens. Someone else, if you know the solution, please answer

How do you use whose in a sentence?

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