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Q: Who will you inform if an intoxicated guest manages to get in a vehicle and drive away?
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Related questions

What is to drive under the influence?

It is to be intoxicated behind the wheel of the vehicle. If you are opertaing this vehicle while intoxicated then you will be punished by law.

What is a sentence for the word intoxicated?

I can give you several sentences.I'm intoxicated by life!He is intoxicated by alcohol.Never drive when you are intoxicated.

People who are should not be allowed to drive.?


What is a good rule of thumb to determine if you are intoxicated?

The rule of thumb is if you have had one drink, you may be intoxicated and should not drive. However, if you notices slurred speech or stumbling, you are intoxicated.

Are you a better driver under the influence of marijuana?

No, and don't drive while intoxicated.

What is true about the use of achohol while boating?

you are not aloud to drive a boat while intoxicated

Is an adult considered too intoxicated to legally drive at what minimum blood level?


What might you do if an intoxicated parent wants to drive you to the school play?

ask a friend for a ride

Why is it not necessary to inform CMOS setup about the installation of a new hard drive?

The BIOS will inform CMOS when there is a new installation with auto detection.

Is it illegal to drive in UK with arm in plaster cast?

It is not illegal to drive in the UK with an arm in a plaster cast, as long as you are still able to control the vehicle safely. However, it is recommended to inform your insurance company of your condition and to consult with your doctor if you have any doubts about your ability to drive safely.

Can a minor with a learners permit drive an intoxicated person as long as they have tier license?

No way that could be dangurous

Can a person with a learners permit drive a car with a drunk passenger seat in South Carolina?

No. The supervising driver must be in a condition where they themselves could legally operate the vehicle.