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If one witnesses a hit and run accident they should first alert the ambulance service to get medical treatment to that person. They should then alert the police to provide a witness statement.

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Q: Who should one alert if one witnesses a hit and run accident?
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How can you find witnesses in a hit and run accident?

Offer a reward in your local paper

What actions can someone take if an uninsured driver hits them on the road?

If you are hit by an Uninsured Driver you should take the following actions- Contact the police, get information from and on any witnesses that saw the accident and get photographs of the vehicles and the accident scene. Another important step to take beforehand of the accident is to make sure you have Uninsured Motorist Insurance on your Car Policy.

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of course you should report an accident even if your car is damaged its almost like a hit and run.

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No, I have never hit my cat by accident.

What do you do in a hit and run accident?

Try to remember as much about what happened as possible and try to find any witnesses that might be able to give a description of events. Call the police and then your insurance company.

Who should you sue in a car accident?

If you caused the crash, you can't sue anybody and win. You will obviously lose- you caused the accident. If you were hit by the car and were doing everything right, then sue the person who hit you.

Do you have to pay your deductible if the accident was not your fault?

No. The other person's insurance should pay everything, including your rental car use during the time that your car is being repaired. UNLESS the person that hit you is claiming innocence and there were no witnesses. Then you may have to pay the deductible if your insurance company can not get them to pay.

Can you be charged with hit and run if you were unaware of the accident?

Yes, you can be charged with hit and run even if you were unaware of the accident.

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If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.

What is the sentencing for hit and run in Miami dade county for a hit and run accident?

It wouldn't be an accident if it were a hit and run, but it would be 20 years.

If a police officer hit you behind in the line of duty how do you sue?

If a police officer is involved in an accident while working and is at fault, the accident should be reported by another officer. There are no differences in the accident reports made with an officer involved in an accident. Any questions regarding a lawsuit against the officer should be asked directly to a lawyer.

What is the legal charge in Texas for a hit and run accident?

"Leaving The Scene of an Accident" and "Hit and Run" seem to be used interchangeably.