Usually Repossession agencies look for Repoman that have their own truck with a wheel lift and show proof of insurance. Recovery agents should obtain a Class A license.
in Michigan
I don't believe so, but you can check with the state agency that regulates pharmacists and determine that fact for certain.
no self esteem
Repoman?? NO,NO, and NO. the sheriff?? IF he has a replevin OR warrant, YES. In ANY state. And for the repoman to say he can is ILLEGAL. Call an attorney.
yes the wil notfi that stat to get your car in that stat
The thermostat regulates the temperature in the home.
In the United States, the USDA regulates crops and the FDA regulates food
The 'market' regulates free enterprise, while a board of appointees regulates a college, or a group of elected officials regulates a democracy.
Bobby, look at your contract. It likely covers what fees they can charge. The repoman charged the bank, the bank charged you. It all went on your account. The repoman had to get paid for coming to your house, right? We dont work for free.