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You do.

(Also, in many states it's illegal to drive a car which is not insured. Expect a hefty fine as well as damages.)

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Q: Who pays when you hit a power pole and the car is not insured?
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Does insurance pays for a comprehensive insured car driven by an uninsured driver?

Comprehensive coverage does not apply to the driving of a car. It should be covered.

Owner of car says car is insured and you are covered-you crash-it turns out the car is not insured-your insurance covers other party but not the car you were driving. Who pays for damages to car?

The person that lied to you about the insurance would have to pay for it. you could even take them to court. If they lied about the insurance on your car, they could be arrested under a small amount.

Who pays when the driver is not the owner and hit a car and doesn't have insurance?

If a driver is not an owner of the car and he also doesn't have insurance of his own and unfortunately hits a car, in such a case if a car is already insured by the owner, he will be covered against the third-party damages. But if a car is not insured, the owner is liable here to pay the damages that third-party oo another car had faced.

When an auto is totaled and the insurer takes the auto and pays the insured the actual cash value of the car at the time of the loss this is an example of?

Total loss payoff

Is the car insured if you just bought it?

A new car is not insured unless you insured it. You can insure a car before you pick it up, but if you don't it isn't insured.

Can you form a sentence using the word pole?

When the brakes fail, use a power pole to stop the car.

If you were to be in a head-on collision would it be 'safer' to hit a tree or power pole than an oncoming car?

Power pole. It is designed to break away when hit by a car. The Tree is probably the ost dangerous.

Explain the set off provisions of Va under insurance?

The way that it works is you take all of the available coverage for the loss and arrive at the total available coverage for the loss. The liable car pays it coverage up to the avaiable limit The car of the injured party gets a set off of the amount of the liable car if the liable car's policy is less than that of the injured insured party Then the policy of the car under which the injured isured party is an insured by definition pays it full coverage.

How can you find out if your car is insured?

Your car is not insured unless you purchase insurance for it.

If a uninsured car is parked and hit by an insured car will the insured cars insurance company pay for damages?

Only if the insured car was at fault.

Who is responsible for an accident when car is not insured?

Whether the car is insured is not important, the point is who was at fault in causing the accident, it could be the person whose car is insured that is at fault.

Can insured person drive an uninsured car?

We need to know what he's insured for. If he's insured to drive the car, then yes. If he's insured with life insurance, then no. But normally it's the car that carries the insurance.