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The other person's insurance. This just happened to me.

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Q: Who pays for the towing charges in an accident that is not your fault?
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If a car accident wasn't my fault who pays?

Your insurer.

What happens if an accident is your fault and you have have insurance?

When this happens, your Insurance company pays for damages. If the accident is your fault, your insurance rates can go up.

Which insurance company pays if one car has no damage?

The Insurer of the at fault driver pays for the accident.

If both vehicles in an accident are insured by state farm who pays?

the person that is found responsible ( at fault ) for the accident

If an unlicensed driver gets into an accident but is not at fault who pays for damages?

You get to, accident would not have happened if you werent on the road!

If a tire comes off and hits another car who pays?

You do. Your are at fault in the accident.

What happens if your in a accident and you have sr22?

The same thing that happens if you did not have an Sr22. The at fault parties insurance generally pays for the accident.

Who pays in a no citation car accident in Indiana?

The at-fault party. Just because no one was cited doesn't mean some one wasn't at-fault. If no one was at-fault then the accident would not have happened.

Driving without insurance accident was your fault and you were killed who pays?

If you're dead.... Why does it matter?

Who pays for towing fees after an accident when you're not at fault?

you are, no matter hows at fult.If you have ins. they will make the other party pay sometimes. but after all its your car. - I have to disagree with the above statement. Even though it is "after all your car", it's not your fault you were in the wreck. It's not like you chose for it to happen. You did nothing wrong. They are at fault, therefore their insurance should pay for it.

If you are at fault for an accident does your insurance company get billed for the damages of the other person in the accident?

Yes,, That's what it's for. It pays for damages you caused to another.

If you are a passenger in another persons automobile and you sustain injuries in an accident whose insurance pays for medical bills?

The insurers of the driver who was deemed to be at fault for the accident.