Ransom E. Olds mass produced 19,000 Curved Dash Olds Runabouts from 1901 to 1909 from an assembly line using interchangeable parts and they sold for aprox $650 each.
Affordable cars were made possible due to mass-production in car construction factories
Well,the very first car was a small steam powered toy made for the Chinese Emperor in 1672, and no cost is known for that model. The first affordable American car was made in 1908 and was called the Ford Model T, and cost around $850.
The first affordible car was the "Ford" conpany.
ModeL t
He is world famous. Henry Ford did not make the first car but he did make the first affordable car. He perfected the assembly line method of producing automobiles thus bring the cost down each and every year. He made the automobile affordable to the average person. Prior to his Model T, only the rich could afford a car.
No, he didnt invent the first car. He came up with a way to manufacture cars cheaply so that they were affordable.
The electric car was first made in England.
The first car key was made in 1878.
When was the first car made.
I do not know how made the first car ever but i do know that the ford mustang was the first fully American car.
A person can purchase an affordable car from a major car dealership such as Kia, Honda, or Mitsubishi. All of those car makers/dealers offer affordable financing for any income bracket.