

Who is the Grantor on a car loan document?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Who is the Grantor on a car loan document?
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Who is the Grantor on a mortgage loan?

The borrower is the grantor, the lender is the grantee.

Can you take your co signer off your car loan?

No. The co-signer is there because the credit grantor considered you too risky.

What is a grantor on a loan?

A guarantor is the person who agrees to pay on a debt of someone else if the person who guaranteed to pay defaults on the loan. A guarantor is a type of co-signer for the loan.

How does a power of attorney end in Canada?

A power of attorney expires on the death of the grantor. It can also be revoked by the grantor, or by a court order. The document itself may list an end date.

If you leased a car out to a family member and the loan is not paid off an they are trying to skip town what do you d0?

If the loan is in writing as a legal document you can take them to court for breach of contract.

What is the statute of limitation on the power of attorney in Massachusetts?

There is none in Massachusetts, unless specified in the granting document. The grantor can revoke the power of attorney. Also a power of attorney expires on the death of the grantor.

If you want to get off of a loan as cosigner can you just sign a document saying you are no longer responsible for the car loan and that the other party is?

No. The only way to be removed as a cosigner is for the loan to be refinanced assuming the lender will allow that to happen.

Can you back out of a newly signed auto loan?

You have entered into a loan agreement. This is a legal document that binds you to repay the loan. You cannot return the car as the cooling off period law does not apply to the purchase of autos, and cannot get out of this agreement.

Do you get the title to your car if you have a loan on it?

No. You don't get the title to your car until any loans against it are paid in full. <><><> In several states, you will get a title document- but it will show the loan company or bank as a lienholder. That title cannot be transferred to someone else until the lien is satisfied (loan paid off)

After a power of attorney is signed how long before it is void?

It is valid without expiration unless the document says otherwise. Or the grantor revokes the power of attorney. Also a power of attorney expires on the death of the grantor.

How long is a power of attorney effective in the state of Florida?

Until the individual revokes it. Or when they are no longer living.