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The legal guardian.

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Q: Who is responsible for the financial consequences of a minor's driving?
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If you didn't purchase alcohol for a minor but minors are drinking on your property could there be legal consequences?

Yes. You are responsible for the property and are allowing illegal acts.

Can you have your son emancipated at 17 due to drinking and driving. If so is the parent still responsible for his actions?

Minors can achieve emancipation if they can prove they're responsible. If they're not responsible, yes, the parents are responsible for the minor's actions.

What does the law state about minors and trespassing?

Minors can be held liable for trespassing the same way adults can. Parents or guardians may also be held responsible for the actions of minors in some cases. It's important to understand that minors can face legal consequences if they are found trespassing on private property.

Are minors responsible for the contracts the sign?

Usually, minors are not responsible contracts they may agree too, because they lack capacity to contract.

Who was responsible for Octavia Minors education?

Atia remarried to Lucius Marcius Philippus who was responsible for Octavia's education

What are the consequences of forgery for minors?

You could possibly go to juvi and receive a fine for your parents/guardians

How many minors die of drunk drunk driving?

too many!!!!

What is the top death of all minors?

drunk driving. plain and simple.

What are the consequences of throwing party and selling beer to minors in Los Angeles . I am 18 and thinking of throwing a party?


Are parents responsible for teen pregnancy medical bills in the State of California?

You are responsible to pay for your child's health, pregnant or not, as long as they are minors.

The court may suspend the driving privilege of a minor?

Yes, and in Oregon the parents may request DMV to suspend their minors driving privilege.

When is a parent in Louisiana no longer responsible for minors And at what age can they leave home in Louisiana?

In Louisiana, parents are no longer responsible for minors when they turn 18 years old. Minors in Louisiana can legally leave home at the age of 18 without needing parental consent.