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The person who's tree the property is on. If it is public/government land, there isn't much to be done. Besides, you should have car insurance, otherwise that is quite illegal.

If the tree is on the apartment block that you are renting, most probably the landlord, for not being managing his property well enough.

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10y ago

The responsible party would be "Mother Nature". Unfortunately though, Mother Nature does not carry liability insurance for her actions.

In the United States, No one is liable for an Act of Nature. It's no different than if your car was parked under a tree in a national forest or under a tree in your own yard. Trees can die off naturally as all living things do.

You will need to seek coverage for auto damage from your Auto Insurer. Homeowners nor a landlords insurance policy would cover damage to a motor vehicle. That's what your comprehensive Auto Insurance is for. If we purchase liability only coverage for our vehicle, then comprehensive damages must be covered out of pocket.

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Q: Who is responsible for a rotten tree limb falling on your car if you rent property?
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If a tree limb from my rental home fell on my car and damaged it who should pay?

Your car insurance would cover your damages.A property owner is not liable for acts of nature anyways and home insurance policies do not cover automobiles.AnswerYou would be responsible for the upkeep of the garden (and trees) unless there is something different specified in your lease. That would make you responsible for any damage caused by a falling limb. If your car is insured against accidental damage, then you could possibly make a claim as the earlier answer suggests. If not then you will have to pay for any repairs required.

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Yep, If you received notification and took no reasonable and prudent action to mitigate a loss you can be held liable through negligence for the damages incurred.

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Mother nature would be responsible for the damage. Unfortunately though, She does not carry Insurance.

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