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Fortunately, In the United States at least, no one is held liable for acts of nature.

Your auto Insurance will, if you have comprehensive coverage for acts of nature cover the damage to your car.

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Q: Who is liable if a tree falls on your car at an apartment complex?
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If a tree on your landlord's property falls on your car at the apartment you are renting is the landlord's insurance liable?

No. This is an act of god. You should notify your car insurance.

Who is liable in the state of California for a the tree branch lands on your car while parked on the property of your apartment complex?

Your landlord's insurance should take care of it. Legally your landlord is liable as they own the tree and supposedly should have had it checked and trimmed to prevent that.

Who is liable when a neighbors tree falls?

It depends on what made the tree fall. If the tree is dead, then the owner of the tree is liable. If a tornado caused it to blow over it is considered a natural act and no one is liable.

Who is responsible for an object falling out of a tree and damaging your car within a apartment complex?

Depends. Is the object a tree branch? Then possibly the owner of the apartment complex. If it is something that doesn't belong in a tree then it would depend on how that object got there.

Who is liable when a tree lands on your car at an apartment complex?

circumstances are the key - health of tree? weather conditions? prior notice of problem with trees? if healthy tree in a windstorm or other natural weather event - nobody is at fault considered "act of god" you should contact comprehensive auto insurer

Who is responsible for Vehicle damaged by dead tree on apartment complex property?

The driver

Can you sue your if someone's tree falls on your house in Ohio?

Probably not. If the tree falls on your house due to a storm then the neighbor is not liable for the damage and it will have to be filed on your insurance. The only case where a neighbor may be liable is if the tree was dead and the person knew it was dead and was a risk to your property. Why would you want to sue your neighbor anyway?

Who is liable when your neighbors rotten tree falls on your house or car falls on your property?

In general, Nobody is liable for an act of nature. Your auto insurance comprehensive coverage would cover damages to your car. Your homeowners insurance will cover damages to your home. The neighbor would be liable only if your can prove the neighbor knew the tree was rotten and posed a risk. If a car falls on your property, that would mean a tornado picked it up and it fell on your home. You insurance would cover that damage.

What government is responsible if a tree falls?

None, Trees fall all the time, It's a natural occurrence. Nobody is liable for an act of nature.

A tree fell on my car while i were in it and totaled it in an apartment complex parking lot does their insurance have to cover it?

You will have to file a claim on your own comprehensive auto Insurance. A property owners insurance will not cover damages to your vehicle unless you could prove willful negligence. This is because a property owner is not liable for an act of nature.

Who is liable if a person's tree falls on a neighbor's house?

Nobody is "Liable" for an act of nature. It does not matter if it was your tree, your neighbors tree or a tree that blew in from 8 blocks away. Your own homeowners insurance policy will cover your property. If your neighbor sustained damage, Your neighbor's Insurance policy would cover damages to his property. Just notify your home insurer of your loss.

Tree falls on car?

Hopefully you have full coverage auto insurance with comprehensive. The tree owner is not liable for damage to cars from falling trees unless you could somehow prove that he was knowingly or negligently responsible for the tree falling on your car.