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the insured or homeowner, unless there are some ''special'' circumstances you haven't explained

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Q: Who is liable for paying the home owners insurance deductible?
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What is deductible for?

When you have a deductible in your plan, before your insurance starts paying for the coverage, you have to meet the deductible after which the insurance starts paying its portion.

Can i just pay my deductible if the other party's car insurance is paying the whole thing?

The deductible applies only to your insurance policy so you can not.

Does Baltimore city pay insurance deductible for stolen cars involved in accidents?

No. The insured is responsible for paying their own deductible.

What is healthy insurance deductible?

Health insurance deductables are what you have to meet out of pocket before your health insurance companies begin paying.

IS paying someones insurance deductible in North Carolina Insurance fraud?

Most states do not care who pays the deductible, however, if it is a body shop or a contractor who is paying, it may be considered fraud because they sometimes charge the insurance company more to make up the difference.

Do you pay a deductible if the accident was the other drivers fault and their insurance is paying for repairs?

Yes, you do.

How does your deductible work in home insurance?

The amount of a policy deductible on a homeowners insurance policy is chosen by the policyholder. Your policy deductible is the amount you are responsible for paying before the insurance company will payout for a claim. If you experience a loss to your dwelling or your personal property, your homeowners insurance policy deductible applies. The deductible does not apply to other coverages on the policy. If you experience a loss under your deductible, you will not be eligible for a payout. If your loss exceeds your deductible, your deductible will be deducted from your claims payout check.

Is a deductible due when the auto is considered a total loss?

Yes, if your own insurance is paying for an accident that you were at fault for provided you had full coverage and they are paying for your car. If the accident was not your fault, no you will not pay a deductible.

What does 40 coinsurance after deductible mean in terms of my insurance coverage?

A 40 coinsurance after deductible means that after you have paid your deductible amount, you will be responsible for paying 40 of the remaining covered expenses, while your insurance will cover the other 60.

What is The dollar amount you have to pay before an insurance plan takes effect and the insurance company starts paying called?


If you are not at fault and the police report and witnesses prove this do you still pay your deductible?

You do not have to pay the deductible if the other person's insurance is paying the claim. If you put the claim through your insurance, and do not have uninsured, underinsured motorist protection then you will have to pay the deductible regardless of who's at fault.

Can an insurance company come after me for car repair damages caused by my son jumping on a car if I pay the victims deductible?

Absolutely. Not only are you legally liable for the amount of the damages but by paying the deductible you basically admitted your liability. When you agree to pay and you will agree to pay make sure you let them know that you paid the person for their deductible so you can get credit for that amount as long as the other party does not deny that you paid them.