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Left turn (a) yields to oncoming traffic (b). Without a stop sign or traffic signal, driver b has the right of way.

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Q: Who is at fault when driver a makes a left in front of driver b at an intersection with no light or stop sign and driver b crashes into him driver a claims driver b was speeding?
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What percentage of accidents is caused my speeding?

Please read answer carefully: Under the surface most Crashes have an element of excess speed involved, but depending where you live speeding is sited as low as 15% and as high as 70% as a cause of Crashes. Speeding is usually a part of agressive and dangerous driving, and that causes 80% of accidents. If you can get an agressive driver to slow down he or she will have much more time to deal with trouble on the road, thus be a safer driver. And that is why Police enforce speed limits.

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If you reach an uncontrolled intersection at close to the same time, the vehicle who actually reached the intersection last is the driver who must yield the right of way. If you reach the intersection at the same time, the driver on the left should yield the right of way.

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If the driver of the vehicle who crashed into you has insurance, you would file a claim with his or her insurance company, not your own, and this should not jeopardize your no claims bonus. However, if the driver is uninsured, and you elect to seek redress from your own company, this may jeopardize the bonus. Check with your agent to be sure: policies vary from company to company and sometimes from policy to policy.

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before you enter the intersection

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before you enter the intersection

When the driver of a vehicle approaches an intersection the question of the right of way should be determined?

before you enter the intersection

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