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you enter the intersection first... that's the reason why you got hit because you knew the the intersection was not under control

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Q: Who is at fault if you entered an uncontrolled intersection first and was hit by a car on the left side?
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If the car that rearended you without being hit by the third car first then the car in the middle is at fault for your damage and the third car is at fault for the damage to the rear end of the middle car. The first car is not at fault for the quick stop.

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Car a because it was backing into the intersectionDiffering Opinion:Car B has no more right of way in an intersection than Car A; a general rule of the road is that any car that enters a intersection first has the right of way: this rule is extended in residential areas that have drive ways (where it is normal to back into the street). Translated; both have equal right of way, and the one there first has a superior right of way.

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Not sure about NY, but I believe the first vehicle that approches the intersection goes first, followed by the others in order of arrival at intersection. Unless two or more people come to the intersection at the same time then its the person to the right. once the first person has cleared the intersection.

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What is the Right of way for uncontrolled intersections?

Varies state to state, check your individual state statutes. It is customary that the first to arrive at the intersection will have the right of way. When in doubt, use visual cues to confirm your intentions with other drivers.

If a green light turns red when you are going through it do you still get the ticket?

Of course, you may still receive a citation. However if the light was yellow as you entered the intersection (note that the intersection begins at the limit line or if no limit line then at the first solid line of the crosswalk or if no crosswalk then the point where the intersecting roads meet), then you are not in violation of the red light rule.

Who is at fault if a car accident happens at a four way stop sign intersection and both drivers claim they stop at the stop sign before proceed?

In general, the vehicle first entering the intersection has the right of way. If that cannot be determined, it is the general rule that one yields the right of way to the driver to his/her right.

What are instructions for an intersection?

Basically first come first serve. Whoever gets to the intersection first, goes first, and if you get there at the same time as someone else, then you always yield to the person to your right. I hope this answers your question.

If you are at an intersection with a stop sign and you have to stop and there is a car in the other side of the road wanting to turn left and you want to go strait. you were first. MI?

If you were at the intersection first, you have right of way.