Ralph Sanderson was 23 years old when he invented the shock absorber in 1917.
The purpose of a shock absorber in a car is to smooth out or damp shock impact, and dissipate kinetic energy. It is a mechanical device used in the car and it is a type of dashpot.
Claude Foster, founder of Gabriel the company who invented the first shock absorber, which was called the snubber in 1907. In 1918 the first hydraulic shock absorber was introduced and in 1956 the first adjustable shock absorber as well. In 1967 the first gas shock absorber came from Gabriel and from that point many other makers began copying and expanding on the initial work of the people at Gabriel.
Or wheel and tyre.
A shock absorber can be found underneath the engine in a car between the engine and the wheels. It is is used to absorb the impact that the wheels hitting the road can have on the car. It can be seen and accessed from beneath the car.
A strut is a combination of a shock absorber and a coil spring
form_title= Shock Absorber form_header= Replace the shock absorber in your vehicle. When do you need the shock absorber?*= _ Will you install it yourself?*= () Yes () No Do you want to purchase after-market parts?*= () Yes () No
Rafa does play with a shock absorber.
check your shock absorber
A shock absorber is a device that absorbs vibration on a vehicle.
A shock absorber is a mechanical device designed to smooth out or damp shock impulse, and dissipate kinetic energy. It is a type of dashpot.Other names for a shock absorber include damper and dashpot.
The shock absorber between bones is called cartilage.