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Simple Answer: No One. The Human Brain at full capacity would be so intelligent, the persons memory would be 2.5 Million Gigabytes, and equivilant of nearly a million a movies. You would be able to recall each one with prestine detail. You would probably speak 10 or more languages, and understand multiple sciences better than every scientist in that field combined.

Not to mention, it would require over a 3,400,000 Kilowatts and hour to run, thats equal to 1,500 phone batteries, or recharging your phone 36,000 times a day or charging your cell phone fully 25 times every minute.

The average brain uses 33,000kW an hour to run. Signifgantly less, and equal to eating 390 Raw Calories an hour or, about 98 cooked food Calories

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Q: Who has used maximum brain power?
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