The landlord, or the owner of the building in witch you rented in!
Hope I helped!
Buying an apartment complex is one thing; charging rent is another. No one can force a landlord to allocate any rent received to go toward the loan payment for the complex owner.
If you are living in the apartment then you should continue to pay the rent. Make certain to pay by by check so that you have proof of payment.
No. When the apartment you apply for does a credit check that will show. They will not want to rent to someone who owes a previous apartment complex. Pay the previous bill first or at least make payment arrangements.
Get a roommate
A guide to renting to an apartment would help first timers into preparing themselves. One thing they have to make sure is if they afford a monthly payment. Once that is figured out, then you will use the guide into finding what apartment is right for you.
There are no special requirements to rent a Waterford Apartment. As long as one can afford the cost of the rent, they should be able to rent a Waterford Apartment.
I doubt it: 1099's are for payment of money, not for free services.
Not all do. The purpose of a letter for rent payment is basically something a landlord can require prior to renting an apartment to you. This letter basically just states that you paid your rent on time every month. It is just a method landlords use to verify your rental history.
The landlord has an obligation to try to rent it. If she cannot, she can sue you for each month, through the end of the lease.
what age do you have to be to rent an apartment in Ontario
It means if an apartment rent is $500 and they rent you the apartment for $550, the apartments have a $50 gain to lease. If they rent it for $450, they have a $50 loss to lease.
If a person is emancipated from their parents they should be able to rent an apartment. They will have to meet all the requirements to rent the apartments and be able to pay for the apartment.