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The Duryea Brothers

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Q: Who developed a successful automobile?
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Who developed the first modern automobile?

The first practical automobile was invented by Karl Benz in Germany 1885.

Which automotive manufacturer developed the first automobile?

Mercedes Benz. The first practical automobile was invented by Karl Benz in Germany 1885.

John deer developed the first what?

John Deere developed the first successful steel plow in 1837.

Is a caravel a fast moving automobile?

It is not a automobile it is a small, highly maneuverable sailing ship developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese to explore along the West African Coast line

Is it coup or coupe?

A "coup" is pronounced "koo", and is a successful move or act. A "coupe" is an automobile, a car, and is pronounced "coop."

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The first successful automobile air bag patent is held by Allen Breed.

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The first commercially successful SCUBA systems were developed by Emile Gagnan and Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

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Hot air balloon

Who developed Honda?

Soichiro Honda was the Founder of Honda Motors which first produced Motorcycles and later its first automobile in 1963.

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Egypt is a well-developed country in the world. They have many resources including oil and the country is home to many successful corporations.