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Q: Who designed the Morris minor car?
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Related questions

Is Morris Minor anglish car?

The Morris Minor is an English car, the first version of it appeared in 1948 as an economy car. Hundreds of these lovely little cars still drive around today.

Was the Morris Minor car manufactured in India?

no, they were made in the UK

How much did Morris minor car cost in 1950's UK?

A new 1955 Morris Minor 2 door sedan sold for $1430 in the US.

What kind of car has a hood ornament with two M's on it one small one large M and this was not a Mercedes?

Morris minor is a british car. it was a car much like a vw beetle in shape.Morris also made the Morris major but the bagde you refer to is for the Morris minorAnswerMorris Minor I belive. British

Which british car was the first to sell over million models?

Morris Minor

What has the author Ray Newell written?

Ray Newell has written: 'The Morris Minor' 'Morris Minor & 1000' -- subject(s): Morris Minor automobile 'Original Morris Minor'

Where's the best place to look for refurbished car seats for a Morris Minor?

A Morris Minor is a british vehicle, so it would be tough to buy in the US. There is the website, that may be useful in locating this type of car part.

When was Morris Minor created?

Morris Minor was created in 1948.

When was the Morris Mini Minor car released?

This is from Unique Cars and Parts Morris Mini Minor 850 / Austin Seven Years of Manufacture: 1959 - 1968 (until release of Mk.II)

Where can one find parts for Morris Minor cars?

Parts for Morris Minor cars can be found at British Auto Parts LTD's website. The have a wide selection of car parts for other cars as well. A catalog can be downloaded to find the right parts you need for your car.

Car names that start with a m?

Maserati and Mazda come to mind. So does Mini and Morris Minor

Who owns Morris minor?

Noone owns Morris Minor, they went defunct in 1971. They were owned by BMC