Probably Tecumseh. Look for an engine model beginning with "143"
Briggs & Stratton
Railroad Model Craftsman was created in 1933.
1 gal gas + 2cycle engine oil
Go to, and type in model # 143.033700 That is the engine specified for that mower. You can then choose between engine, carb, starter, etc. diagrams and parts lists.
There is not enough info to ask that question. There are many different models of craftsman mower. Please ask again and include the model of the mower, the engine make and size.
With a model number , try the link below.
A manual for the Craftsman lawnmower model 944.607853 can be ordered from the Craftsman company. Another option is to contact the store where the lawnmower was purchased and have them order a manual.
Depending on the model it may not have one. If its a Briggs engine and you don't see it then it probably doesnt have one.
There probably is but I would need the model number beginning with 143 to look it up. It may be covered by other things, but it should be on top of the engine.