Sounds as if you have a blockage in the fuel tank vent. Leave the filler cap off and drive around. If all is ok then you have a blocked vent causing a vacuum in the tank
when i am driving my toyato 2001 Eaco stops running, it will start back up
low gas?
No gas. Low fuel pressure from fuel pump. dirty fuel filter. any other symptoms you know besides just stop running while driving IE over heating running rough.
it could be of running it with out oil.
Why engine stalls on 1993 Chrysler Intrepid while driving and sometimes at stops?
1996 dodge caravan stops running, I Restarted, run for a little while and stops running again.
Had the same problem and come to find out that it was the cars computer malfunctioning.
Had a recent situation with similar symptoms. Turned out to be a faulty Mass Air Flow Sensor. P/N of replacement was 19179715. Hope this helps.
Why did my 1992 ford ford ranger stops woking why i am driving.
There are many causes to a 2005 Dodge Caravan stopping suddenly while driving. Some of these issues could be that the transmission went out, the car ran out of fuel, or there was not enough electricity to keep it running.
You might want to have the CV joints checked. When bearings start to go out, they make a "clicking" or "rattling" noise while driving - especially while making turns.
Take frequent rest stops.