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Set it to the room temperature you want (72* is good), If it does`nt make it there is something wrong and turning the thermostat up or down won`t fix it.

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Q: Which way should you turn the air conditioner in your house to make it cool up or down?
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Help me cool?

a air conditioner an cool you down

Floor vents in a hot climate?

No, floor vents will not help in cooling your house since they are only used when your air conditioner is on. Fans are the cheapest way to cool a home down.

Should you shut the air conditioning ducts in the basement since it is already cool down there?

Yes, this way the ac does not have to run your bill up to cool areas that do not need it. However, if it is humid and wet in the basement, you should run the air conditioner periodically to recirculate the air and reduce the amount of humidity down there.

How an air conditioner works to cool down the room?

By bringing warm air outside the room

Why isn't the air flow stronger to cool down the car when using the air condiotioner?

I have a 1993 mark viii that just does not cool down the car when running the air conditioner

When should a cool down begin?

A cool down should begin after you exercise, or when you feel dizzy or are getting cramps.

Why can't an air conditioner cool a room?

An air conditioner can cool a room by removing heat from the air and releasing it outside. If an air conditioner is unable to cool a room, it could be due to issues such as insufficient refrigerant, a clogged air filter, or improper sizing for the space. Regular maintenance and proper installation are essential for the optimal performance of an air conditioner.

Where can I purchase air conditioner units for a two story house?

I live in a two story house and currently have one air conditioner unit for the whole house. I am looking to change that so that one unit does the upstairs and one unit does the down stairs. Where can I find air conditioner units that will meet my needs.

What temperature should the cold air be from an automobile air conditioner?

Every unit varies based off model and other factors. Typically I notice 60F-70F to be normal which is plenty for anyone to cool down on.

What is wrong if there is ice forming on the outside unit of your house air conditioner?

I see this happen a lot. The thermostat is turned down way to low (60 degrees or lower) causing ice to build up on the air conditioners condenser coils. Which causes the air not to get through the coils. The icing of the condenser creates a blockage and the air conditioner doesn't cool the house or room. Making you think it is not working. If not corrected the compressor will overheat. (Not Good). Turn the air conditioner off until the ice has melted (probably 24 hours). Then turn the air conditioner back on with the thermostat set to 68 to 70 degrees and it should go away. If not call a technician.

When you turn your car air conditioner on high the air feels a bit warmer What is wrong with it?

It will cool down, nothing is wrong with it. It is just air.

Should air conditioner exhaust be open or closed during operation?

It should remain closed initially while the air con cools down the room, then opened after the room is cool. This allows a small amount of fresh air to be brought inside to stop the air from getting stale if it is open when the air con is first turned on it just takes a bit longer to cool down the room