do you mean what direction the rotor button in the distributor spins, if so it spins clockwise.
first torque to 136 ft/lbs, spin the hub by hand 5 times, re-torque to 236 ft/lbs
The cap doesn't spin at all. The rotor turns clockwise.
There should be tools under your passenger seat that you need to do this. Then there should be a hole above your rear bumper that you put the tool in and spin it to lower the wheel.
The ASR will cut power to the coil and the fuel pump. This is the relay that looks for the distributor to spin, and if not, it cuts fuel and spark to avoid problems such as when there's an accident.
the shaft that runs through the distributor. it turns on the camshaft housing to make the top of it spin which makes the points open and close, and turns the rotor to send spark to the plugs
In a Ford 5.8 liter / 351 cubic inch V8 engine : The distributor rotor turns COUNTERCLOCKWISE ( when looking from the TOP ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also : The marked # 1 position on the distributor cap faces towards the REAR The firing order is ( 1 - 3 - 7 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 8 ) The engine cylinder locations are numbered : firewall 4 - 8 3 - 7 2 - 6 1 - 5 front of vehicle
It is the spin on style filter inside the transmission pan.It is the spin on style filter inside the transmission pan.
Clockwise , firing order 1 - 3 - 4 - 2
no, it will spin free if the timing belt breaks
usually at high idle 1500 rpm for about half hour
Does it leak antfreeze or if it does not spin freely or it might be loose and slopy