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Q: Which type of insurance is MOST LIKELY classified into categories such as term whole and variable?
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Is variable universal insurance a reliable insurance company?

Variable universal is not as reliable as allstate. Allstate has a very fine state of the art business. As well as Universal insurance but is most likely to depend more on the money you spend with them to how much your under coverage.

A is a column in a table and contains categories of information?

A is likely a categorical variable in the table, representing different categories of information. It may contain discrete values that classify the data into distinct groups or labels for easy identification and analysis.

Who has the best insurance for construction and renters ins?

It is not likely you will find a single insurer with the best offering for both of these insurance categories. Construction Insurance is a Commercial lines Policy while Renters Insurance Is a Personal Lines Policy. That's kinda like trying to mix apples and oranges.

Does travellers insurance policy cover damage caused by raccoons?

Usually not. Destruction by vermin (which raccoons would likely be classified as) is typically excluded from a standard homeowners policy.

Can an employee be classified as full-time and part-time?

Yes, they can and they can also be classified as temporary and probationary .AnswerPart time vs full time status varies in different jurisdictions and can be affected by state and federal law, employment contracts, insurance provisions, union contracts, etc. Your status may change under different categories but it is more likely your status for doing the same job at the same company is either full time or part time.

Which of the categories of organism is least likely to revised?

Extremophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme environments, are less likely to be revised because they have adapted to very specific or harsh conditions over time, making it difficult for them to change without significant evolutionary pressure.

Why is marijuana a depressant drug?

It isn't. According to the DEA cannabis is classified separately from depressants and stimulants, most likely because the effects of cannabis fit in to both categories.

What is a responding varable?

The dependent (or responding) variable is the one that is observed and likely changes in response to the independent variable.

What is the Value measured by the vertical axis?

It is the value of the variable which is plotted on the vertical axis. It is likely to be the dependent variable.

Does basic motorcycle insurance cover theft?

"Basic" is vague. Generally speaking, there are two main categories of insurance: liability (which covers other people) and comprehensive (which covers your vehicle). If you have liability insurance only, it most likely won't cover theft of your motorcycle. You should talk to your insurance agent to be sure that what you want covered is covered, and that you're not paying for coverage you don't want (and aren't legally obligated to have).

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What food group is vinegar in?

Vinegar cannot accurately and absolutely be bound to any food group. There are many different types, and the few that can be classified would most likely fall into different categories. Oil would be a good way to classify them, but not entirely correct.