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Q: Which term is defined as the amount you pay for your automobile insurance?
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Related questions

What is a unit of insurance?

A marketing term that is defined by the seller.

What exactly is term insurance?

Term insurance is an insurance you get for a specific amount of time. It is only for a certain amount of time. For instance, term insurance can be an insurance coverage for 6 months, 2 years, or 5 weeks.

What term is defined as the amount you are responsible for paying to repair your car after the accident?

The term is "deductible". It is payable as to collision and comprehensive claims. The deductible is chosen by the insured when the insurance is initially purchased.

What types of insurance does Pekin Insurance provide?

Pekin insurance carries homeowners policies and also automobile policies for its clients. They also carry life and term insurance and have excellent rates.

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What term is defined as the amount of work that can be performed?

Work capacity.

Which term is defined as the payment an insured makes to the insurance company on a regular schedule?


What is the term for the amount you and your employer pay in exchange for insurance coverage?

The amount that is paid for any kind of insurance is called "premiums". The same term applies whether an employee or employer pay for the insurance.

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What term is defined as the dollar amount in a worker's paycheck?

net pay

What term refers to the amount you or your employer pays in exchange for insurance coverage?

The premium is the dollar amount paid in exchange for insurance coverage.

What is the price for term life insurance?

The price for term life insurance can vary based on age, gender, health, and amount of coverage you get.