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Every state is different, and every insurance company is different. You'll have to ask your insurance for which ever state you're referring to (and call back over and over till you get them all?)

That commercial for Progressive, "Are you a good driver?" "Yes." "Discount!!" does NOT apply to Texas, I was disappointed to find that out. They shouldn't be allowed to show that commercial in Texas.

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Q: Which states have defensive driving discounts in insurance?
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How do you get Auto Insurance Discounts In some states you can take a Defensive Driving Course. But what other discounts are available?

I know you can Take a Defensive Driving Course

Do teens in Ohio receive an insurance discount for taking defensive driving courses?

Most states in the country allow insurance discounts for taking a defensive driving course. It is up to each individual insurance company how much that discount will be.

Do any companies offer discount car insurance?

Many companies offer discounts for people with a proven record of driving safely. You can also receive 10% off your insurance in some states by taking a defensive driving class.

What is a defensive driving course and where can you take part in one?

A defensive driving course is an advanced driving course that trains drivers to anticipate and avoid dangerous situations, regardless of the conditions and/or the actions of other drivers. This type of course is offered by various government agencies, non profit organizations, and private schools, and can be taken online or in the classroom. Many insurance companies offer discounts on car insurance to drivers who take a defensive driving course. And in many states, taking a defensive driving course can be a way to dismiss traffic tickets.

Where can I find online defensive driving courses?

Defensive Driving - 100% Online Defensive Driving | Traffic School Courses. DMV / State & Court approved in CA, FL, TX, NY, VA, MI, KY, Indiana & other states. Defensive driving for ticket dismissal and insurance discounts - Defensive driving course online and On Demand.

Can you take a defensive driving course for Memphis Th online?

Defensive driving courses can be taken online for most cities and states. Memphis does have a defensive driving course online, and it may lower your car insurance costs.

Are there defensive driving courses online?

There are serveral online defensive driving courses that have been approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles. These include Comedy Defensive Driving in Texas and Defensive Driving is several states.

Can I get a discount on my insurance if I take a school drivers ed class?

Most auto insurance companies offer discounts to new drivers who have taken on-the-road driving classes with a professional instructor. Many states how require classroom instruction, which is sometimes available through the school. Talk to your insurance agent about what discounts are available.

The purpose of taking defensive driving is?

The purpose of defensive driving course is to refresh or teach for the first time, defensive driving skills. In some states, defensive driving is allowed after receiving a citation (most times for speeding) as a way to dismiss the ticket while re-training the driver in what it is to be a safe driver.

Will taking a defensive driving class lower my insurance?

It can. If you've had accidents or a lot of tickets you probably have points on your license. Some states will remove points when drivers take defensive driving classes. Contact your insurance company. There are many ways to lower your insurance premium. A friend of mine let her insurance company put a computer in her car that recorded when she slammed the brakes or went above the speeding limit (which she never does). Because she let them monitor her, they lowered her insurance considerably.

What is the definition of defensive driving?

Defensive driving means the Standard Safe Practice for Motor Vehicle Operations. American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) defines defensive driving as "driving to save lives". Defensive driving is a form of training for the drivers who goes beyond the rules defined by law. The best thing about defensive driving is it teaches you about anticipating dangerous, abnormal conditions, or even mistakes of others. Defensive driving is called with different names in different states. Where in for example California, Florida, Colorado, Nevada it is known as Traffic School where as in Texas, Indiana, New York it is known as Defensive Driving. More details>> ( Few states approved defensive driving and traffic school course providers: California Traffic School: Florida Traffic School: Colorado Traffic School: Nevada Traffic School: Texas Defensive Driving: Indiana Defensive Driving: New York Defensive Driving:

Do all states offer teen auto insurance discounts for those teens who have a B or better average at school?

This isn't a state thing. Student discounts are by provider. While most insurers do offer these discounts, not all do.