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its not the wheel size its the width of the tyre it self the bigger it is the better your car will handle and accelerate

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Q: Which size wheels makes a car go faster?
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How does the size of the wheels affect the distance of a toy car rolls down a ramp. hypothesis?

There are three possible hypotheses:Smaller wheels means car rolls slower.Wheel size makes no difference.Smaller wheels means car rolls faster.Take your pick and then use the data to test your hypothesis.

What changes speed in cars?

What do you mean by that question? There are a lot of things that change speed in a car. When more air and fuel enter the cylinders on a motor, it makes it speed up. When the motor speeds up, it makes the transmission spin faster, and when you shift gears it makes the driveshaft spin faster, along with the gears in the rearend, unless you have a front wheel drive car, then it makes the wheels spin faster. When the motor speeds up, the accessories driven by the belt or belts on the front of the motor spin faster. when the wheels spin faster, the car goes faster.

What is faster small car or big car?

It is the power to weight ratio and aerodynamics that makes one car faster than another, not necessarily it's physical size.

Do Mercedes Benz wheels fit other makes?

depends on the tire size and the pressure of the tire and also on the rim size and the maximum limit of a car

How does wheels affect a car's speed?

because the weight of your wheels and the size has wind Resistance on your car

How does the size and shape of wheels affects the speed of a mousetrap powered toy car?

The size of the wheels affects the speed of a mousetrap car because larger wheels cover more distance per revolution, so they can achieve higher speeds compared to smaller wheels. The shape of the wheels can also impact speed by affecting the amount of traction the car has on the surface, with wheels that are smooth and well-rounded typically rolling more easily and faster than wheels with a rough surface or sharp edges.

What makes one car faster then another?

Well what makes a car faster is the type of motor it carrys plus the transmission Well what makes a car faster is the type of motor it carrys plus the transmission Well what makes a car faster is the type of motor it carrys plus the transmission Well what makes a car faster is the type of motor it carrys plus the transmission

What makes the wheels turn on a car?


What makes fast car wheels?

A short stroke Nissan engine with a high performance transmission. That makes a car's wheels fast. Or an engine with High torque.

What is faster around a turn Car or Motorcycle?

car has 4 wheels and more traction in a turn

Why a toy car can't go faster than a real car?

because a toy car has smaller wheels and is remote controlled and a real car has bigger wheels and runs on gas