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Damya Magwood

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5y ago

turning up the air conditioning in the summer

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Q: Which of these would not help you save money?
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Will Nutrisystem coupons help save money?

Nutrisystem coupons will help you save money if you are already using the Nutrisystem diet. If you are not using the diet then the coupons would not decrease spending.

Will this help save money on my electric bill?

No, this wont help you save money, it will only help filter out allergins from the air.

If you won the lottery, What would you do?

Save some money

What is sports authority coupon for ?

You use that to save you money at the store and if you need help you can ask the person at the store who can help you out. He will show you where to go and what to use it for. It would save you a lot.

What does save the children do to help?

save the children is a charity which donates money to children that need help.

Is the UK government wasting our money?

Yes save energy and importantly recycle.To help save our money.

Is the Bank of America Mortgage a program that would help to save homeowners money?

Yes, Bank of America Mortgage would help in saving money for homeowners. There will be Mortgage Loan Officer that would assist in needs such refinancing and buying.

Can kids help too?

kids can help save whales by donating money to places that save whales

How does recycling help save you money?

Yes.Recycling does help you or your parents save money,because you can use it again instead of buying it over and over again.

Does Halifax isa save you money?

It could, in fact help you save money. They offer a low AER of 3%. Also, if you participate in online banking, it can help you keep in check the money you have.

How can to save money?

You can save money in many ways, can you narrow down on what you want to save ,, house bills , shopping, gifts, hoildays ? I can then try and help you

Why wouldn't the government help the favelas?

to save their money