That would be the person driving the vehicle!
No vehicle needs a whistler any longer and this would be difficult to find in this day and age. The car horn is sufficient, thus whistlers are no longer necessary.
If one is looking for safety information on commercial aircraft, there would be no better place to check then with the manufacturer of the aircraft itself. They would have all necessary information one would be looking for in regards to safety information regarding the aircraft. has records and safety reports on all trucks an other vehicles. I would highly recommend visiting this website for information on quality trucks.
lead-lined apron
Safety researchers state there are three collisions in a motor vehicle crash. This would be the vehicle striking an object as the first, the second would be the occupants hitting the interior or exterior of the vehicle, and the third would be the internal organs of the occupants striking the internal structure of the body.
A pre-trip inspection of the vehicle would be a good thing.
The neutral safety switch is a switch that essentially disables the ability to start the vehicle if its not in park or neutral (or in the case of a standard, if the clutch is not fully depressed). It is as the name implies, a safety feature, to prevent you from trying to start the vehicle while it is in gear (which would cause it to lurch forward.
That's a matter of opinion. Here's mine: The most important component of an electric circuit is the power supply. Because without it, no other component of the circuit does anything.
Any vehicle being registered must meed or exceed ALL safety regulations for that particular model and year of manufacture. If those safety regulations also include air bags, then yes, one would need to replace those before attempting to register the vehicle. For more information, contact your local Motor Vehicle Department.
More vehicle info would be helpful but most child safety lock switches are located in the area of the door latch. The door must be open to gain access to the switch.
The driver receives the safety violation since it is the drivers responsibility to ensure the safety of security of themselves as well as all passengers of the vehicle.